Introducing my new YouTube channel!

Dear readers,

I recently started my new YouTube channel called Life as Annabelle! I hope to continue sharing my story about my KTS and ASD. I will try to continue to post blogs as much as possible (and when I remember!!). So far I have uploaded 1 video called “Life with KTS and ASD.” Here is a link to go to my  YouTube page so you can go over there and see that.

Trips with a condition

Last Friday we left for the Tennessee and Virginia area. I have to say the hardest part of a trip is trying to find some- thing to eat that is not too greasy especially  in the country where that is common. Also the sugar, oh my goodness the sugar, because if I eat too much of either of those ( or both ) foods I get really sick to my stomach. Another thing that is hard on these trips is that it’s a 2 day trip and I have to take a baby aspirin so I don’t get a blood clot. So if you have a vascular condition in your arms or legs always remember to keep baby aspirin with you. 🙂

Its going to be okay

If you or your child has been diagnosed with KTS or another major disease its going to be okay I went for a sunset kayak yesterday and I swim all the time and I run and horseback ride and have been told I have KTS.

helpful people

I would like to give a shout out to a few people for helping me. First I would like to say thanks to Dr. Johnson with Nemours children’s hospital. Next Jordan with lee county pediatric physical therapy. 3rd my family for being my support group and last but definitely not least my best friend Liam to cheer me on through the rough times.

New Addition

On April 2nd we went to Gulf Coast Humane Society to look at cats and we went home with this cute 3 year old cat that is the most loving and docile cat ever. Here’s a picture!


Isn’t she adorable!!!!  

Ups and Downs

Yesterday I was at PE. My class was playing soccer and I went over to be goal keeper and when I walked up my friend was standing there looking very sad and then she said she was sad she could not be goal keeper. Because of my KTS I can only play goal keeper since I can not run. While I was playing I began to feel bad that I was making it where my friends could not play the positions they wanted to play then I asked one of my classmates to watch the goal for me. Then I ran to my PE teacher to ask whether I could go to the restroom. He said yes so when I got to the restroom I started balling my eyes out. When I got back outside I sat on a bench because when I cried my leg went weak. A few minuets later my school Secretary comes out and sees me sitting there sadly and she asked me why I was sad so I explained to her that it had been 11 months since my surgery and we had expected that I would running and jumping like a normal kid but instead here I was sitting on the bench with a weak leg. Then she said she could understand why I would be sad and frustrated at times. I am glad she sat with me and my PT therapist for helping me.

Helpful Ideas

If your about to or are going through a MRI or surgery or another kind of major thing here are some tips. When I was diagnosed I was always worried or thinking so my mom decided to start  oils that you put on yourself. These things you can get at a health food store called Rescue. My mom took it in tablets and I took it in drops. It is a natural thing with oils in it and you take it oral. I also take my bear or my blanket because it can be nice.

What’s been happening

Well I am going to give you the short version of what’s been happening.To start things off we were about to leave TX after my memees surgery instead  of flying my memee came back with us and we drove her car by the way she lives with us now. So we drove for 4 days and got home that Thursday. Monday night we went to my schools open house. On Wednesday we started school. The next week I was absent on Tuesday because I was in the Keys and on Wednesday I started band class and I play the bell kit and snare drum.  Last Friday I went home sick with a sore throat and could not talk and a cold came out of that. And that is what has been happening.

       Love,                                                                                                                                              Annabelle O. Osborne

my first mac and cheese

Friday night I had my first macaroni and cheese because we thought I was allergic to dairy. After  surgery they told us I was not allergic to dairy. My memee was so excited that I got to have macaroni and cheese that I waited until I came to TX. I came here to help my memee because she was having reconstruction   surgery from breast cancer.

Funny FuFu


I love how FuFu did that. The photo was taken by our friend Amy who helps take care of her when we are gone. Don’t you think she is adorable?!?!?! I love FuFu so much!!!!