Trips with a condition

Last Friday we left for the Tennessee and Virginia area. I have to say the hardest part of a trip is trying to find some- thing to eat that is not too greasy especially  in the country where that is common. Also the sugar, oh my goodness the sugar, because if I eat too much of either of those ( or both ) foods I get really sick to my stomach. Another thing that is hard on these trips is that it’s a 2 day trip and I have to take a baby aspirin so I don’t get a blood clot. So if you have a vascular condition in your arms or legs always remember to keep baby aspirin with you. 🙂

Its going to be okay

If you or your child has been diagnosed with KTS or another major disease its going to be okay I went for a sunset kayak yesterday and I swim all the time and I run and horseback ride and have been told I have KTS.

Helpful Ideas

If your about to or are going through a MRI or surgery or another kind of major thing here are some tips. When I was diagnosed I was always worried or thinking so my mom decided to start  oils that you put on yourself. These things you can get at a health food store called Rescue. My mom took it in tablets and I took it in drops. It is a natural thing with oils in it and you take it oral. I also take my bear or my blanket because it can be nice.

What’s been happening

Well I am going to give you the short version of what’s been happening.To start things off we were about to leave TX after my memees surgery instead  of flying my memee came back with us and we drove her car by the way she lives with us now. So we drove for 4 days and got home that Thursday. Monday night we went to my schools open house. On Wednesday we started school. The next week I was absent on Tuesday because I was in the Keys and on Wednesday I started band class and I play the bell kit and snare drum.  Last Friday I went home sick with a sore throat and could not talk and a cold came out of that. And that is what has been happening.

       Love,                                                                                                                                              Annabelle O. Osborne

my first mac and cheese

Friday night I had my first macaroni and cheese because we thought I was allergic to dairy. After  surgery they told us I was not allergic to dairy. My memee was so excited that I got to have macaroni and cheese that I waited until I came to TX. I came here to help my memee because she was having reconstruction   surgery from breast cancer.

Getting Better – How Hard It Is

Still recovering from surgery 2 months and a few days today later. No longer on crutches still have open wounds and watching my mom swim from the doorway is very hard. For those of you who are going through something like this in your childhood I know it’s hard but don’t give up it will get better every time I get sad I think of the time I couldn’t walk and think how hard that was and it makes me happy to not have to use crutches anymore.

My Story

As I said I was diagnosed with KTS at 8 years old and I was very scared. I was going to have to go through an MRI and by the way we were having to drive 3 hours each way to get there. After the 3 MRI’s I was told that I was going to have to have surgery. After my 5 hour surgery I was not able to walk and left the hospital on crutches which I had to use for 3 week and am still in physical therapy today.